Though this be madness, yet there is method in 't

Friday, May 26, 2006

My reaction to the Alias finale - Reprisal & All The Time In The World. It might help to note that I actually bawled for about three hours before I actually calmed down.

Don't read, spoilers beyond this point!

I'm not going to pretend I LOVED it, but I'm not going to say I *hated* it. I liked the episode in terms of story telling, but I didn't like it for the character assassination.

What happened to Irina, loving mother despite being a spy? I don't buy that bullshit -- what's her endgame? She said power; I don't believe it. In my mind: This is another clone. The real Irina is still out, somewhere. HAH.

And, god, Jack. Jack, Jack, Jack. Jack. Again, I don't believe he's dead. Remember, we didn't see his body! Plus, Sydney had Rambaldi/Clifford juice on her hands when she touched his wounds. I am inclined to believe that he survived the blast.

And... Oh, I love the scar on Sydney's right side of her neck. Nadia's was on the left. Perfect parallel.

Also - Through The Looking Glass. Nadia and Irina died through glasses. Alice in Wonderland reference, brilliant.

Peyton/Sark. HEEEEE. I need to develop Peyton as a character. Why she has a phobia for snakes. Why is she a badass terrorist. Why she worked for Prophet 5. Hmmm.

Sloane, spending all the time in the world under a rock. Poetic justice, anyone?

And yes, I know before you J/Is come tackling me, I loved the last scene. Baby Jack. Isabelle. Isabelle knocking down the indicator, but HELL, you know she's gonna be a spy anyway. And so will Jack.

Jack -- Jonathon Donahue Bristow-Vaughn, in my mind. Or at least Jonathan Donahue William Bristow-Vaughn. That'll make him Jack II. Sydney's heart will break in years to come, I believe. Ficcie idea. :)

What else... hmm... Nadia's ghost leaving Sloane. Even Nadia left him. Sweet, good Nadia.

Francie -- Nitpicky here, but didn't Sydney date Danny for just two years? But they knew each other for 6 years? Oh, and I'm annoyed at no reference to Will. I know Cooper couldn't film because of Three Days of Rain, but STILL. I love Merrin Dungey.

Young Sydney, 'What did you do, rob a bank?' -- Awesome work, Garner! So young, so raw; we really see how much Sydney has matured over the years.

< o >

So, who's <, > and what is o?

Before this, I thought < was The Chosen One, > was The Passenger and the o was the Sphere of Life (hey, I was right from season TWO that there will be a Sphere of Life that is integral to Rambaldi's endgame, alright? :D)

But, the final battle was of Irina and Sydney. And if Irina's the one to cause utter desolation unto the world, does that mean Irina = The Chosen One, and Sydney = The Passenger? And if so, was Nadia an unneccesary sacrifice on Sloane/Rambaldi's part?

Also, where is Hayden Chase?

Why the hell is Sydney (and maybe Vaughn too) still going on missions for the CIA/Dixon? What happened to 'I want to get away from all these spy crap [...] Just you and me, and our baby, on a beach'? Surely with Isabelle and then Jack too, they'd have a little common sense not to get back to that line?

Moreover, Dixon... Why would he be encouraging it anyway?

Heeee. I love Carrie. Especially when she saw Vaughn. Awesome-ness.

A fitting ending to a loved show. You will be missed, Alias.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Thank you for five fantastic years, Alias.

The Entire Series
Truth takes time
September 30, 2001--May 22, 2006

Thursday, May 18, 2006

I realllllly need to learn to update this blog more often.

Also, instead of writing my social psychology paper, I just spent time watching Season Five of Alias. Go me. :)

Or not. Grah.

Watching Da Vinci Code with the Z clan + Leung Yan + Cindy + Val. Yay. So I'm broke but who cares? I need to watch Over The Hedge, and while I'm not really willing to admit, M:I:III as well (JUST SO I CAN SEE THE ALIAS REFERENCES HAAHAHA).

French is fun! Vouz vouz appelez comment? Vouz parlez français?

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

I don't know how to write my essay for Radio Production.

That is all.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Homework that I should be doing, but I'm not:
- Preparing for Thursday's Speech Communication's 1st Accessed Speech about an imagined product. I'm gonna do a MacPhone. It's like a MacBook, but cooler. I was gonna name it iPhone, but Apple seems to be moving away from the 'i's (and I don't wonder why; look at all the 'pirated' i stuff out there. Tsk.) Due this Thursday. There's also the phonetics journal, which is due ... Week 16 or something? Yeah.
- Writing my Radio essay. 500 words, + - 10 words or Felix Tan will take off marks. GRAH. I'm gonna do Gold 90 FM! Due this Thursday.
- Doing Social Psychology's journal (due Week 4) and the online tutorial for next Friday (due Week 4's lecture), because it's Vesak day
- Reading up on APA and the intricacies of citing resources (amongst all others)
- Finishing up the French exercise books (due Wednesday)

So much to do! Thank goodness there still is a little bit of time left.

So, instead of doing aforementioned homework, what am I doing?
I'll show you what I've been doing.

01 02 03
04 05 06
07 08 09
10 11 12
13 14 15
16 17 18
19 20 21
22 23

That's what I've been doing. HAH.

But, well, yes. My icons suck, that's as much as I know, but that's Alias and Power Rangers in case you really don't know.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Highlights of the week:

- My muse came back!
- School is actually fun. You know, I never thought I'll live to say that, but yes. School is fun. I like school.
- I'm addicted to milo chocolates. :)
- Last Thursday was my birthday, for all you not in the know.

Highlights of last (last) week:

- ALIAS. Holy shiz. How frickin good was it?! (I'm talking about SOS and Maternal Instinct. Am rather neutral to There's Only One Sydney Bristow because we all know how much I frickin hate the Helix protocol)

It is at this point of time when I realise, man, I have a sad, uneventful life because I can think of nothing to update about, sans the 'OMG ALIAS!!!11!one!1' comments. Jen Garner is so my girl crush, HEE. And awwwwww cute lil' Isabelle *squee*

See what I mean by fangirling? And this is mild. You should see the type of entries in my LJ. Mostly after I watched Maternal Instinct I posted this on LJ:


Word for word. Hah. But, man, anyway. My biological clock's all weird now. I have an 8 am class tomorrow and I should be sleeping, but noooo, I'm writing fic. A - GET READY FOR THIS! - Power Rangers fic. Which is reading like an Alias fic. Of which Kimberly is semi-evil, and Tommy is still the paragon of good (Yeah, whatever). Flangst. Sweet.

I don't have a CCA yet. How depressing. If someone looked at me now they wouldn't believe I was the President of the MAD Club and the Secretary-cum-Treasurer of the Drama Club, because I'm slacking like there's no tomorrow. In terms of CCAs, that is. Academically wise, I'm so proud of myself; I actually finished up *all* my required readings for this week.

Weekends are a good time to sleep through the day and revise your work. [/random]