Though this be madness, yet there is method in 't

Sunday, September 04, 2005

On Procrastinating

Am I the biggest procrastinator, or am I the biggest procrastinator? (On second thoughts, don't answer. Hahahahah.) I haven't sent the application for DEP out because 1) I'm still deciding if I should write essays for the two questions instead of putting down the shows I've been a part of, and 2) REVISION IS KILLING ME!

I packed my table yesterday. It's very neat now. Really. And subject-coded too. It pains me to think that I'll have to redo the subject coding next year. Heh. But I'm all geared up for JC life. I think. Hm. Gah. I'M CONFUSED.

And not just about studies. ;) But I've given up trying to think too much, because I get confused all the time. Bwahaha. Uh.

I love my guitar. I named it Scout. *nods*


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