Though this be madness, yet there is method in 't

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

On Grumblings

Well, woe betides me.

Gastritis hit me real bad, and I can't concentrate on revision and/or other stuff (that I am/not supposed to be doing, that is...). What a way to spend the National Day holiday.

I need to start on those SNP ten-year series as soon as possible, because I bought them (Math, Chemistry and Physics) two weeks ago. Barely cracked the Physics and Chemistry ones, and the Math one... I haven't even flipped through the pages. Bad, bad.

This post is chronically depressing, and it's simply a reflection of my mood. And the state which my body is in, really. I look in the mirror and I think, "Eh? What happened?" Now, of course nobody really wants to hear about me looking at myself in the mirror so let's skip this section...

Common Tests are next week, prelims are 33 days away and the O Level's are 89. On a slightly uplifting tone, the end of the O Level's are 101 days away. In fact from a distance it looks like 'lol'. Not that I sanction the usage of such abbrieviations in writing, but it was a pretty interesting note. To me, at least.

There's this guy in my class who actually does go 'lol' in speech. In retalliation, one fine day about 3 weeks ago I actually snapped at him (he sits diagonally across from me) and told him to 'stfu'. He didn't understand me, but that's all the better. I was probably having a mild case of PMS, anyway.

Whoa, the pain. *curses*

National Day went by yesterday, a day where Singaporeans get to display our patriotic selves by hanging out flags, shouting cheers and singing national day songs with gutso. Not. How much is measured, exactly? The louder you sing, the more you love your country?

I haven't been writing as much lately, but I've started a new piece of fiction. Yes, one of those I-don't-really-have-a-plot-so-let's-go-along-


edit: Damien Rice is love.
edit2: Self-banning until 24th September and followed by another self-ban from the 3rd of October until the 18th of November
edit3: Apparently I've got some form of abdomen inflammation. Pffft. The pain is KILLING me.


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